As you say in the beginning of your excellent article, what a turn of events. The left has become the mouthpiece for the elite billionaires. Noam Chomsky, George Galloway, Chris Hedges and many others have not only failed miserably in addressing the ongoing Big Pharma crimes , but have instead thrown their weight behind medical Fascism. If there is any thing good to come out of this hysteria it is that so many have shown their true colours.

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Exactly, you put it perfectly.

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Sep 21, 2021
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And astonishing that mainstream media is silent about it all now, though just a few years ago, they were the ones doing the investigative journalism and breaking the stories of Pfizer's corruption. The links I sourced were NY Times, Democracy Now!, Newsweek, etc. Not a peep from them nowadays about Pfizer's dubious record.

Thank you, my love

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